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Coalition Founder, Ani Christi, is now hosting a live show on the Planetary Peace Power and Prosperity channel on the platform of Bold Brave TV. Her next show will be live at noon EDT on Monday July 31, 2023. It will be a two-part series on programs designed to transform consciousness with which Ani has worked closely, including the Gene Keys.

Planetary Peace, Power, and Prosperity - 6/26/23 (Recorded video available to view on Link's page)

• 55 min

Are you anxious? Afraid? Overwhelmed or overwrought? Drained and/or depleted? If so, you are NOT alone! Deep self-love, self-care, a deeper understanding of the mental and emotional causes of “dis-ease”, and healthy doses of high frequency vibratory movement and energy might provide the perfect antidote!

If any of these adjectives describe you, I encourage you to join co-host Ani Christi, Founding Director of the Ignite Your Light Coalition, this time next week as she introduces her favorite body/mind healing practices to lighten the heavy loads we are carrying during these intense times of planetary change. These include time-tested healing practices from an expert in mind/body healing, wisdom transmissions and invocations to heal humanity’s core wounds from the Gene Keys (where Ani is a Guide), take-aways from Ani’s recent experiential journey into liberating the body through sacred Sufi dance, as well as rituals she has been experimenting with to repair our DNA using high frequency sound healing. Remember: Restoring our innermost Being to its innate state of divine wholeness is a profoundly beautiful (even revolutionary) act of love. We hope you will give yourself this gift today!

Planetary Peace, Power, and Prosperity - 5/22/23 (Recorded video available to view on Link's page)

• 56 min

Did you know that your vibrations are magnetic? That being who you are and doing what you love will align you with everything you need in life? Join us on Monday, May 22 at noon EDT on Bold Brave TV as Ignite Your Light Coalition Founder, Ani Christi, a Gene Keys Guide, illuminates this life-changing dynamic through her work with the Gene Keys Pearl Sequence. Learn how to live from the essence of your Being and serve the world by expressing the highest version of YOU! We hope you will JOIN US.

Planetary Peace, Power, and Prosperity - 4/24/23 (Recorded video available to view on Link's page)

• 56 min

Are you ready for a date with destiny? To set new intentions, consciously enter into a new portal, and fast forward into a greater reality? Watch with anticipation as host Ani Christi, Founder of the Ignite Your Light Coalition, paints an “out of this world” picture of an oracular vision she received during the recent New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries – a game changer! It suggests that many of us are ready to move at the speed of light into the person our soul wants us to become! Transformation takes courage. Let us help you find yours.


Planetary Peace, Power, and Prosperity - 3/27/23

• 59 min

2023 has been called the Year of the Mystic, and our Souls know the Way!
Do you feel/hear the messages your Soul/Spirit is whispering to you?
Do you remember the divine magnificence of who you truly are?
Our Souls want our Freedom. To liberate us from the shackles of our conditioned minds and wounded hearts. To raise our frequency, embody our light and share our precious gifts with the world.
PLEASE JOIN show host, Ani Christi, Founding Director of the Ignite Your Light Coalition, as she shines light on how to bring our evolutionary paths to life!


Planetary Peace, Power, and Prosperity - 2/6/23

• 56 min

"God help me! Please show me the way!"
Lessons, Dark Nights of the Soul, overcomings, epiphanies, and more.
Communion, cosmic awakening, community, conscious connection and communication, and celebration!
Divine Justice, the Gene Keys, restoring balance, both within and without.
Ignite my light! Ignite your light! Ignite our light together!
Listen and learn as Ani Christi, attorney and author of "Awakening to Love and a Sacred Life" and Dr. Janet Smith Warfield, retired attorney and author of "Shift: Change Your Words, Change Your World," explore moving beyond personal wounds to heal the whole.


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Coalition Founder, Ani Christi, recently penned an essay in Compass of Hope: A User Manual for the Human Condition. Now available on Amazon, this compilation book serves as a training manual for young leaders now grappling with issues of depression and low self-esteem. Here is an excerpt from “A Wake-Up Call from Your Future Self.” In it, she shares the essence of her journey through the titles of the books which have touched her life. We hope it helps you discover yours! From our hearts to yours, here is how Ani learned to Ignite the Light within her.

Today I am a Fearless Woman. From Tears to Triumph, I am also A Peaceful Warrior. For more years than I care to remember, I had been Dying to be Me. I had heard that Your Body’s Telling You: Love Yourself, but I could not do it! I had spent the first half of my life unconsciously Living in 3D. Then I hit rock bottom in The Eye of the Storm. Desperate to change my life, I gave A Gift to Myself: A Personal Workbook and Guide to Healing My Child Within. Soon I became a reluctant Witness to the Fire. I joined Alcoholics Anonymous and found solace in a metaphysical church where I discovered that The Future of God existed within me. I also met a wise teacher who tutored me in Enlightening Cinderella. Thereafter, I began one-on-one therapy. Meeting the Shadow became my passion. For the next year, I traveled deep into the Descent to the Goddess. Before I knew it, I had embarked on The Road Less Traveled. Man’s Search for Meaning became my driving force. Leaving My Father’s House, I developed an affinity for Dancing in the Flames. There I met many soulful Women Running with the Wolves. I was truly Living Deeply. I was also Reinventing the Body and Resurrecting the Soul. What a joy it was to find myself finally Waking Up in 5D! I learned that Becoming Supernatural is our God-given potential, and that Serving Humanity is the natural result. So, I dedicated my life to Healing into Life and Death. As I did, I became more compassionate. After years of deep meditation, my palm chakras activated. Light pouring out through my hands, I mastered the art of Reiki: The Universal Gift of God’s Healing Love. Life had morphed into something beautiful! I now knew that What You Can Feel You Can Heal. So, I began sharing everything I knew about healing with others. My mantra became: I Will Not Die an Unlived Life. I learned to accept The Gifts of Imperfection. I also learned that Letting Go of the Person You Used to Be is not as hard as we think! So, I formed an educational non-profit organization to teach this path of transformation to others and the Ignite Your Light Coalition was born! The Spiritual Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe, the Heart-Mind Matrix, the Biology of Transcendence, and Healing Collective Trauma soon topped our list. Since 2020, we have been teaching the mystery of the Gene Keys. In 2021, I also became a published author. Awakening to Love and A Sacred Life, my spiritual memoir, is a beautiful testament of the power of grace to make us new. So, dear reader, I offer you these deeply felt Notes on Love and Courage. It is your time now to step on The Path of Empowerment! May your journey be filled with Divine Audacity. The Recalibration of Humanity is at stake. Trusting in the Gold and Uncovering Your Natural Goodness, you are The Hope for the future!



It is a privilege to write praise for Ani Christi’s transcendent, soulful book! Witnessing her profound transformation over more than thirty years continues to bring great joy. Ani has triumphed over tragedy and is a bright light in the world today. Rarely, do former clients become good friends, much less ‘soul family’. I am grateful to have shared this path.” Suzanne E. Harrill, author of The Harrill Solution, and Enlightening Cinderella

Ani’s journ​ey as described in this book is a powerful representation of what happens when someone surrenders fully to the impulse of awakening. Trials become openings, vulnerabilities become strengths, and in time, the things we thought were broken in our lives become more beautiful than ever. It appears that a miracle is happening to us. Ani’s story is just such a tale, and it is told clearly and compassionately. Thank you, Ani, for your courage to model the process of awakening to love. I hope your journey will become an inspiration for many”.  Richard Rudd, author, and Founder of the Gene Keys

Former Director and Coalition collaborator, Akushi Angel, has been utilizing Ani's book during coaching sessions in the UK. Here is a touching client review. "Thank you, Akushi and Ani.  This is a beautiful book full of love, wisdom and truth. The Song of My Heart is my favorite section. 

I will keep it in my heart forever.  -- Michael  

Begin your Gene Keys Journey Now

Coalition Founder Ani Christi is a Gene Keys Guide and the Coalition is a Gene Keys Affiliate. Sign up for periodic Gene Keys Virtual Retreats using our affiliate link and Ani will gift you a 90 minute guidance session! 

"If you are searching for the meaning and purpose of your life, I highly recommend the Gene Keys. I have studied many beautiful systems of healing and achieving enlightenment over three decades. For healers and seekers, the Gene Keys – without doubt -- is the most comprehensive system of transforming consciousness I have ever experienced! This path has allowed me to transcend suffering and come to a place of profound peace. There is no greater gift.” 

--- Ani Christi



A group of committed souls meet regularly to explore the contemplative path of the Gene Keys -- a comprehensive genetic, archetypal and vibratory system of transforming consciousness by lifting us out of unconscious fear, unhealed wounds and low frequency thinking. With the right tools, we can become the hero/heroine of our own story. Director Ani Christi, and former Directors Akushi Angel and Tamara Bucalo, are all Gene Keys Guides! 2019-20 Director Wendy Walker also joined the Venus Sequence Deep Retreat with us! In the summer of 2020, Akushi Angel and Ani Christi also co-hosted a beautiful podcast -- Flowing with the Spiritual Cafe, with many Gene Keys guests! New podcasts and an exciting new program involving dance, movement and the healing of core wounds through the Seven Sacred Seals is COMING SOON! 




The Ignite Your Light Coalition, The Movement for Peace, Unity Church, and Sound Healer, Mystical Poet and Author, Michael Murphy Burke, joined us to offer three uplifting community events in Fernandina Beach, FL. As we embody love, we begin to change the frequency of our world! We hope you enjoy this collage of pictures of guests and hosts!

Since 2014, The Coalition has offered diverse and fun educational programs to the community to bring healing, peace and love. Clearing our channels to hold more light and love is a regular focus!

“The symbol for the Ignite Your Light Coalition, the non-profit I co-founded in 2014, is a five-pointed star -- a universal symbol of awakening. The keynote of the Star archetype is: “I Am a Radiant Lighted Being”. When we embody this energy, we see and feel ourselves as openings of light – channels or portals through which the Absolute can manifest. When we follow what has meaning and purpose, and trust deeply in this inner light, we develop self-confidence. Ultimately, this leads us to the Truth of who we are."

                                                      -- Ani Christi, Founding Director    


Here are pictures from a magical Crowning Ceremony in February 2019! A special Thank You to Former Director Tamara Bucalo for providing the beautiful handmade floral crowns! In this powerful Ceremony we invoked Bodhisattva and Ascended Master Kuan Yin, setting our intention to release past woundedness and to embrace and express the energy of the Divine Feminine being born through us! This is a key aspect of the mission of the Coalition. Much of our work is based on principles set forth by Buddhist psychotherapist, author and hospice worker Stephen Levine. A favorite work is "Becoming Kuan Yin: The Evolution of Compassion". In it he states: "Our minds have stories, but our hearts have songs". The question for you today is: Are you singing yours?


This was a powerful collabortive community event for conscious couples and individuals to help ground the Divine Feminine in our world. Through meditation, ritual, drumming and sacred ceremony, intentions were set to ground the balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine into the grids of the New Earth. Pictured here (left to right) are Coalition Founder Ani Christi, Priestess of the Sea Founder Marilyn Wilson, and Sisterhood of the Sacred Fire Founder Aurora Farber. Thank you dear siStars! 


Unity Isle of Light and Life Coach Renee Brown helped the Coalition kick off the New Year during a transformational workshop on February 3, 2018. Self-discovery techniques were offered to help participants reclaim their personal power and regain joyful mastery of their lives. Colette Carroll, CEO of NuMind and an accomplished Yoga Nidra meditation teacher, introduced the group to Yoga Nidra -- a deeply soulful practice to replenish our body, mind and spirit through restorative breath work and deep meditation. Thank you, Colette, for this amazing experience!


Visionary leader Paul Rademacher, shared new insights about his newest work "Time, Money, Dreaming and Enlightenment" and the role of the heart in transforming consciousness. See details below. Paul was joined by beloved angel artist, healer and communicator, Pamela J. Smith, who gave readings for the group and introduced practices to connect with our angels to bring clarity to our lives and to remove negative emotional patterns. Ann Johnston, President of the Ignite Your Light Coalition also shared the 2018 Vision of the Coalition -- becoming a living bridge to a transformed world. 

Time, Money, Dreaming and Enlightenment 

Paul Rademacher's first Coalition event addressed the unbearable tension we feel between attending to material needs and exploration of the numinous. In a library lecture, he offered deep insights from his upcoming book, Time, Money, Dreaming and Enlightenment, into how to break this impasse. In a months- long follow-up workshop, Paul also drew on his intensely personal experience over 40 years of study to offer groundbreaking ways of integrating matter and spirit. It was a deeply moving experience! Paul is a former Executive Director of The Monroe Institute, world renowned for its pioneering work in the exploration of human consciousness. He is also the author of A Spiritual Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe.

Photography by Linda Caffey

A Year to Live Group

This intimate pilot met bi-weekly for five months and was the first program in North Florida. Utilizing the work of Buddhist psycho-therapist and hospice worker, Stephen Levine, participants dealing with cancer and other life-altering and traumatic events, undertook a courageous examination of how to live each moment with greater self-awareness, compassion and intention. Practices from Stephen Levine's books Healing into Life and Death and A Year to Live helped soften hardened attitudes, lessening the fear and pain which prevent true healing. This group provided a second chance for many to reclaim the joy, meaning and purpose of their lives.

Healing into Our Higher Selves II

Coalition Founder Ann Johnston introduced Jacksonville energy healers to one of the most cutting edge and high frequency healing modalities in use on the planet -- a high frequency scalar wave technology to recalibrate your energy field to the highest vibration possible in alignment with your Highest Self. This is a ground-breaking NEW technology based on the principles of quantum physics. This technology utilizes light and sound healing codes which are transmitted into one's energy field through invocation and deep meditation. Clients who have been unable to break longstanding destructive patterns of thought and emotion have been able to experience enormous breakthroughs. Pictured is a code used for achieving heart-brain coherence.

Healing into our Higher Selves I

This pilot program, the second conducted in 2014 and 2015, was designed to explore the psycho-spiritual techniques by which we heal our lower natures (ego drives) and come more fully into alignment with our Higher Selves. A transpersonal approach was utilized.  The work of transpersonal therapist Jacqueline Small was instrumental in this program. Ahead of her time, Jacquie saw the future of therapy in 5D. Her book "Transformers: Therapists of the Future" has greatly informed the Coalition's work. Thank you, Jacquie!

Esoteric Mystery School

This six-month advanced program was devoted to an exploration of the great mystery that we are. Lessons included: (1) we are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional universe; (2) we are here to evolve our consciousness to the level of our innate divinity; and (3) through meditation, energy work and other spiritual practices we can quicken the vibratory action of the light within the cells of our bodies enabling our inner light to shine! The Coalition is continuing this work through invocation of The Seven Sacred Seals by Richard Rudd.

Advanced Meditation

This weekly meditation group was part of a pilot program in 2015 and was designed to facilitate a deeper connection to and exploration of our energy bodies and spiritual selves. Advanced techniques and teachings were utilized to access non-ordinary states of consciousness and to expand our perceptions of our innate divine potential. This has been an advanced part of the mission of the Ignite Your Light Coalition since its inception!

Personal Growth and Health Enhancement

This six month group was The Coalition's first pilot program in 2014! It met to discuss issues related to the challenges of living purposefully and happily as we age. Participants were encouraged to conduct a meaningful examination of their lives as if this might be their last year to live. If they were given a terminal diagnosis, what would they do differently? Topics included learning better ways to know and take care of ourselves, to live more purposeful and happier lives, to develop stronger relationships, and to restore health, passion and vitality.

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